How many pages do you comfortably sit reading before your mind wanders and you want to do something else? This morning so far, I read ten pages. But I am not giving up. People grow and change and redeem themselves, and I can overcome challenges.
Yesterday, Joey mentioned to me that children from lower class families drop behind in their reading skills and that middle class children either maintain the same level or get ahead some.
Class is a convoluted mix. Education, race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, mental and physical disability, geographical upbringing, and personality all play into the equation. A person can have much money and be set back all the same because of one of these differences. Likewise, someone can be poor and from a long line of Ivy League educated family members.
Literacy can play a big part in a person's success in their whole life. The important thing there is that it is never to late to gain skills in literacy. It is never to hit the books. I think I need to become a better reader. And I absolutely think this is possible for me and for anyone else who is fortunate enough to be a free citizen near a public library.