I love my family too much and Oh how it pains me!
Today I loved my family one bowl of toasted oats,
one cup of 2% milk, one cup of Organic black coffee,
One ham biscuit, one order of tater tots, and a coke - size regular.
And that only was breakfast.
I loved my family one order of fish and chips
one lone tomato
and one stray banana.
I loved my family that much for lunch.
I love my family corn on the cob and
salt for sterile wounds.
I love my family crunchy farmers market apples
a salad and dressing that does not turn back
but rushes down to the stomach and flabs.
I love my family so much
I am willing to love my family less
so I might loose some weight.
In the marble jar,
by the chinese checkers board.
I love my family...
I love my fanny so, so much.