The best feedback I get about my poetry from my family?
"So intriguing how you misspelled this word, and it makes better sense with it misspelled. Wow. Good work."

I'm guessing (but it's only a guess) that that is not the best feedback you could hope for..

I think we have to accept that, the more deeply we become involved in our passions, the less well equipped is our family to understand our work. I try not to be bothered when family ignores my hard-won knowledge, and principled choices about computer technology and then expects me to clean up their messes, or even thinks I might want to help them pirate proprietary software! Oh well, Family is about loving despite such things..

Comment by joey Fri Apr 20 17:04:21 2012
Joey, I am sorry. And I will happily take the rest of this discussion off of my public blog.
Comment by Maggie Fri Apr 20 19:57:18 2012