My mantra used to be
"push, push, push."
I went around running
those words through my

Now I just breathe easy.
Breathe easy and let
this new built in
persistence thing hum
merrily along.

I think I am a washing
machine personified.
Sometimes I break down
and need fixing.
But often I just gush.

My churning
and chugging motions
until it is time to dry.

hi maggie, i really like this one. thanks, wren

Comment by wren Sun Apr 8 23:32:55 2012
I miss you and hearing from you and it tickles me hearty pink to see your writing in this place. I was thinking of laying this blog to rest. But no. I need it to communicate with you. Halleluiah! Are you coming to graduation?
Comment by Maggie Mon Apr 9 20:24:23 2012
I really like this one too Maggie! I also recently put up a new blog last week at that is meant to work kind of like a writers workshop and I would love for you to participate. You are such a gifted writer.
Comment by Heather Dent Mon Apr 9 21:09:03 2012
I will be glad to keep track of you that way. I assume you are living in Berea after you graduate? I hope so. If so, me too!
Comment by Maggie Mon Apr 9 21:16:14 2012
Great! I've actually already graduated, but I'm still hanging around. I decided I want to teach high school english, but in order to get into the program I want I have to have a few more english credits so here I am!
Comment by Heather Dent Mon Apr 9 21:23:34 2012
I have a similar thing going on. I psychically wondered that btw. Almost blew your cover once. :) I am thinking about auditing classes. You are good at what you do! Haha!
Comment by Maggie Mon Apr 9 21:27:04 2012