I have a class that breaks my heart every time I go there. I don’t seem to have many friends in there. I think I make a different kind of friend than most of those people are seeking. My friends are long term friends, friends with whom I share a commitment to our endurance. Today one of the people in that class said something under her breath to another member of the class, “why do people think she is suicidal?” He said something back to her that I did not hear. For some reason I was certain she was talking about me. I have always felt there existed animosity between that particular woman and me. I used to try to make jokes in the class. Then I went through a phase of missing class quite a bit. Now I just stay pretty quiet. But when I heard her say that, I got pretty angry inside. Why would she say that about anyone? That is such a hurtful thing to hear. Why be so insensitive. So when some people misread something that was written on the board, I said under my breath something about with the word “illiterate.” It was on my way home today that I realized my action was just as negative and could be as pain causing as the young woman who remarked about “suicide.” In fact, one thing I have learned as an English major is that literacy can be a great root of shame. Also, one of the principles I profess the very most is that being hateful only perpetuates hate. Love in the face of hate is the only way to stop the pain that the hate causes. In the situation of a classroom, I have sometimes heard people talk about love, but I don’t think that is how love is brought into the equation. I must act and speak with love at my wings. What are some ways I can be loving? There are people who I can think of who have been loving towards me. How can I emit love like those people? Suggestions?