Recent comments on posts in the blog:

I don't know how to put attachments in comments but check out my next blog post, Anna.
Comment by Maggie Sun May 27 00:29:03 2012

All those stars and you cover that part of the text up with a photo!

(It did make for a very nice shot, though. :-) )

Comment by Anna Sat May 26 23:51:44 2012

Pollination, seed dispersal.

I am glad you point out these funny little things. :)

Comment by Maggie Sun May 20 23:24:14 2012
Very evocative poem! (Although the scientist in me can't refrain from adding --- that's seed dispersal, not pollination.)
Comment by Anna Sun May 20 23:15:55 2012

Hey, my message was meant to be simply "we love you!" :-)

I'll happily look at your tomatoes. :-)

Comment by Anna Thu May 3 11:45:50 2012

Good. But your two cents went a long way. (The book had a clear message and I took it to my heart.) Also, if you want to manage the weeds in L's garden or the tomatoes I need to re-pot I happily accept suggestions - or pots of dirt.

But the best part of my plan for all family members is I won't call you before noon.

Comment by Maggie Wed May 2 11:49:24 2012
I try not to micromanage your future life too much, but that was the plan I was rooting for. It just sounds like too good of an opportunity to pass up!
Comment by Anna Wed May 2 11:18:50 2012
Oh, thanks Mom. It is pronounced Mau-gee, and I would love to tell you more about it soon!
Comment by Maggie Fri Apr 27 12:49:12 2012

I do love the actual feel of water, really of waves, and the "in's"! The wildness part that you touch on is a part I have not realized about water, but does seem a part. Wonderful to find a name the same--how do you know it is pronounced like yours? (I wonder if it is at all related to "Magi"--the Wise Man" What about "Wise Woman"? I guess it is related to Magic...)

I think there is so much to Water...the drinking part, the H2O elements, the life-affirming quality...Mostly I do so love your up-and-down rhythms and images!--mom look up in Genesis! Water is actually holy. And makes us whole...

Comment by mom Fri Apr 27 11:17:09 2012

I think you just want me to have positive thoughts so I don't call you crying. ;)

Nah. Just kidding.

I actually was kind of thinking of you when I wrote it, thinking, I should tell Anna I am ok today. Then I had this "big catharsis" that all of these little thoughts about other people do get carried to the people as positive energy. The power of positive thought.

Comment by Maggie Tue Apr 24 00:12:30 2012